
>>Technique Guide
>Hiten Mitsorugi Ryu
>Saiki Kanuma
>Homura Dama
>Kodachi Nitou Ryu
>Futae no Kiwami
>Shin no Ippu
>>Battle Guide
>Tokyo Arc
>Kyoto Arc
>The Motion Picture

>>Image Gallery
>Himura Kenshin
>Shinomri Aoshi
>Hajime Saito
>Sagara Sanosuke
>Makoto Shishio

>>Free Graphics
>>Free Graphics - Banners
These banners are free to anyone who wishes to use them. Do not directly link them off of my site or I will take you to court and sue you. These banners are not saved in the highest quality because they are free. If you wish to have them in a clearer more perfect format like .png or .bmp, email me.
>>Banner 1
>>Banner 2